Tuesday, March 13, 2012


What's the best feeling in the world?.....Some say its when you spend the whole day with your loved one...Some say its when you get to eat however much you want without getting fat!...Some even say the best feeling is when they get to sleep 12 hrs a day without their dads waking em up every 2 seconds (Well yeah, sometimes!)

For me, the best feeling in the world is when I know that I have accomplished something - No matter how small my achievements are... It could be just cleaning my room, cooking a nice dinner or even if I only got to finish 1 chapter of Civil Procedure! - It may not be much but I know I'm heading in the right direction.

Of course, the bigger the achievement, the more awesome the feeling!... Remember your graduation day or the day you won some competition and your family is in the crowd clapping and cheering for you? Yeh, those memories are the rewards of your accomplishments! That's the moment you recall all those sleepless nights, the sacrifices you made and all the hurdles you went through...You smile and tell yourself  "That was soooo worth it!".

The feeling of having accomplished something is awesome!...But, the journey? - Not so much! (Kinda sux actually!)

Well, you can't have the pearl without diving in the sea, look for the right oyster and actually opening it right?... So, dive in and search for the best way to achieve, don't hesitate and give it all you have!... It will all be worth it when get your 'pearl'!

Never give up on something you can't go a day without thinking about! =)

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